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August is almost over! Have you made your end of the month to do list? Here’s mine…
Grocery Store Rewards
I can’t believe how many Safeway rewards I have in my account. I don’t like to use rewards on gas unless I have 10 at once for $1.00 off a full tank of gas. I love that they introduced “Grocery Rewards” so that I don’t always have to scramble each month to “use them or lose them,” and instead have some choices. Since our tank holds 17 gallons, and each reward is worth 10¢ per gallon discount on gas, I value each reward at $1.70. I try to pick grocery rewards that will get at least close to that value if I don’t have enough to get a full $1.00 per gallon of gas. Since I have plenty, I picked a reward worth $2 for one of them, I’ll use 10 for gas by Saturday and save the rest for next month.

Expiring Offers and Coupons
The end of the month seems to be the ideal date for coupons and other deals to expire. Time to clean out the coupon book and check for other deals that might be expiring. While I don’t have anything important expiring at the end of the month, I do have a couple of Amex Offers for $5 off $25 at Bed, Bath, and Beyond. They sell Disney gift cards, so I’ll need to stop by and pick them up before Tuesday.

Swagbucks $25 Virtual Visa
Each month, I try to earn enough Swagbucks for at least one $25 virtual Visa at a discount of 13% or 2175 SB. I’m overflowing in SB this month, so I’ve already cashed in my first $25 discounted virtual Visa, even before I had a big payout from a Shop at Best Buy. I may need to consider other redemptions, but this works for now and will be good to have when my earnings dry up again.
Disney Movie Rewards Challenges
Be sure to play any Disney Challenges you have not yet attempted this month on Disney Movie Rewards. There was a new one that came out on August 19, plus the Marvel Challenge from the beginning of the month. You can add five bonus points to your account for each game you play. There are three every month, so you can add 15 points by playing all of them.