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Search Results for: safeway gift cards

End of the Month

245/365 Why does the end of the month always sneak up on me so quickly? May is almost over, and June is looming around the corner. I keep a list of tasks to complete at or before the end of the month, so here are some of the ones that can help you save or earn some money. Grocery Store Rewards Last month, I had a full 10 rewards to use for a dollar off gas at Safeway. I ran my car as low as I could and filled up on my way home late one evening. I guess my tank was more empty than I thought because I was able to put 16 gallons in. I did have a slight hiccup. I like to use Safeway gift cards at…
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End of the Month, February Version

Day 153/365 While there is an extra day this month, don't let that lull you into a false sense of security. There is so much to do to wrap up before the next month begins, that I feel like I need a checklist to consult. SwagbucksGrocery Store Fuel RewardsExpiring CouponsExpiring OffersExpiring DealsDisney Movie InsidersTimesheets Swagbucks Each month, I try to earn enough Swagbucks for at least one $25 virtual Visa at a discount of 13% or 2175 SB. I'm happy I waited until now, though, because the Spin & Win with this month's Swago has some Swag Ups for redemption. The flip-side to this coin is to check my virtual Visa account to be sure that I am using my Visa gift cards before they expire! Grocery Store Fuel Rewards…
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Monopoly Is Back (yay.)

Day 132/365 As you might know if you've been with me for awhile, I don't love the Shop, Play, Win! Monopoly game from Safeway. Well, I love all of the stuff I can win from the game, but I get tired of it pretty quickly (I mean, right away, okay, truthfully, before it even starts) since it is so tedious. Imagine my dismay today when I opened my Safeway app to check for new coupons and saw that Monopoly is back. So happy. Get All the Free Things Okay, I am looking forward to all of the free stuff. Last year, we collected free bags, photo books, and pencil cases from Shutterfly. I actually won $5 cash and a $5 gift card on my game board, plus, I redeemed my…
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End of the Month, January Edition

Day 124/365 While it seemed to last forever, January will be over before you know it. There is so much to do to wrap up before the next month begins, that I feel like I need a checklist to consult. SwagbucksGrocery Store Fuel RewardsExpiring CouponsExpiring OffersExpiring DealsDisney Movie InsidersTimesheets Swagbucks Each month, I try to earn enough Swagbucks for at least one $25 virtual Visa at a discount of 13% or 2175 SB. I checked my Order Status and discovered that I hadn’t redeemed for a gift card yet this month, even though I have a ridiculous number of SB saved up. The flip-side to this coin is to check my virtual Visa account to be sure that I am using my Visa gift cards before they expire! Last month,…
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End of the Month, October Edition

Day 33/365 With Halloween quickly approaching, it could be easy to forget that with it comes the end of the month. There is so much to do to wrap up before the next month begins, that I feel like I need a checklist to consult. SwagbucksGrocery Store Fuel RewardsExpiring CouponsExpiring OffersExpiring DealsDisney Movie InsidersTimesheets Swagbucks Each month, I try to earn enough Swagbucks for at least one $25 virtual Visa at a discount of 13% or 2175 SB. I checked my Order Status and discovered that I hadn't redeemed for a gift card yet this month, even though I have a ridiculous number of SB saved up. The flip-side to this coin is to check my virtual Visa account to be sure that I am using my Visa gift cards…
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100 Ways To Hack Your Next Disneyland Trip

Day 20/365 Let's face it, even though Disneyland is dubbed the Happiest Place on Earth, it's also one of the more expensive places to visit. With ticket prices increasing and hotel rates surging, it can cost a pretty penny to visit the original Magic Kingdom. Add to that crowd levels, wait times, and figuring out things like MaxPass, FASTPASS, mobile order, and Disney gift cards, it can be overwhelming to plan a trip. 100 Best Hacks Below, find my 100 best tips for hacking your next Disneyland trip, from making room in your budget to learning the secrets of where to sit on rides, this list will help you create the best trip without coming home to a mound of debt at the end of it. Plus, you'll be the…
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Target’s Circle Widens On October 6

Day 8/365 Target Circle is rolling out to the rest of the country starting tomorrow, October 6, 2019. Since Phoenix was a test market, I've had the chance to try out this program for the past eight months, and I have to say, it's a winner! Program Overview There are a few components that set this program apart. First off, you get a 1% reward on purchases. Second, you earn votes to apply toward community nonprofits. The last component is specialized deals on items that you tend to buy more often, plus early access to sales. Earn 1% Back You can earn 1% to use on a future purchase or let your rewards build up in your account to use all at once. Your earnings will be transferred to a…
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End of the Month, September Edition

Day 3/365 The links contained in this post may be affiliates, so I may earn a commission when you use them. Thank you for supporting my blog! Tomorrow is the end of the month, so it's time once again to tie up all those loose ends and get ready for October. Here's what I have on my To Do list for the end of September. Grocery Store Rewards I had some Safeway Rewards that were expiring. I don’t like to use rewards on gas unless I have 10 at once for $1.00 off a full tank of gas. I love that they introduced “Grocery Rewards” so that I don’t always have to scramble each month to “use them or lose them,” and instead have some choices. Since our tank holds…
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A Peek into My Weekly Budgeting Routine

347/365 If you need me on Monday mornings, you can generally find me at my desk on my laptop working on our budget. This is a ritual I've developed in order to keep all of our complicated finances under control, especially important since I started travel hacking. Routine is key. Let me take you on a tour of my Monday morning budget routine so that you can get an idea of what it takes to keep this boat afloat! Start with the Spreadsheet Several years ago, in early 2015 in fact, I started a spreadsheet to keep track of all of our expenses. A few months prior to that, I had downloaded budget binder printables from a website, but it was too much with all the paper and manual calculations.…
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End of the Month, August Edition

337/365 The links contained in this post may earn me a commission, so thank you for supporting me by using them! August is almost over! Have you made your end of the month to do list? Here's mine... Grocery Store Rewards I can't believe how many Safeway rewards I have in my account. I don’t like to use rewards on gas unless I have 10 at once for $1.00 off a full tank of gas. I love that they introduced “Grocery Rewards” so that I don’t always have to scramble each month to “use them or lose them,” and instead have some choices. Since our tank holds 17 gallons, and each reward is worth 10¢ per gallon discount on gas, I value each reward at $1.70. I try to pick…
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