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Search Results for: safeway gift cards

End of the Month, June Edition

275/365 The links contained in this post may earn me a commission, so thank you for supporting me by using them! Here it is, the end of June already, so we have some things on our to do list to close out this month and get ready for July. Grocery Store Rewards I had some Safeway Rewards that were expiring. I don’t like to use rewards on gas unless I have 10 at once for $1.00 off a full tank of gas. I love that they introduced “Grocery Rewards” so that I don’t always have to scramble each month to “use them or lose them,” and instead have some choices. Since our tank holds 17 gallons, and each reward is worth 10¢ per gallon discount on gas, I value each reward…
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Credit Card Shuffle

186/365 I may earn a bonus reward if you use the referral links contained in this article. Thank you for your support! With the beginning of the new month, it's time to reevaluate what's in our wallets. I promise not to break into a cheesy 80s dance like that famous football team, but let me walk you through how I decide what to put at the front of the stack. Chase Freedom This is the one card that most of the other card decisions rest upon since it changes every quarter and Ultimate Rewards are so very valuable. This quarter (April-June, 2019), the categories are grocery stores and home improvement stores. So our American Express Blue Cash Preferred will get a well-deserved break while the Chase Freedom takes its place…
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End of the Month

185/365 Here it is again, the end of the month, and so much to do, especially since it is also the end of the quarter. Let's dive in... Grocery Store Rewards I had some Safeway Rewards that were expiring. I don't like to use rewards on gas unless I have 10 at once for $1.00 off a full tank of gas. I love that they introduced "Grocery Rewards" so that I don't always have to scramble each month to "use them or lose them," and instead have some choices. Since our tank holds 17 gallons, and each reward is worth 10¢ per gallon discount on gas, I value each reward at $1.70. I try to pick grocery rewards that will get at least close to that value if I don't…
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Target Circle

146/365 Target has introduced a new rewards system in beta, so if you reside in a few lucky cities, check your Target app to see if you can join Target Circle. Select Cities Target Circle started testing in Dallas-Fort Worth, and began expanding to a few other cities yesterday. If you live in Charlotte, Denver, Indianapolis, Kansas City, and (yay!) Phoenix, you can join now. Target Circle Perks There are three perks listed for Target Circle members: First of all, you will enjoy a 1% reward to use on a future shopping trip. This is not in addition to the 5% off that Target REDcard holders enjoy, so if you use your Target REDcard, you won't participate in the rewards program. However, this is great for those of us that…
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Monopoly: Shop, Play, Win!

137/365 I have a love-hate relationship with the Monopoly game from Safeway. While it's fun to collect the tickets and earn free stuff, it is really tedious and goes way too long. When I got to my folks' house the other day and saw the tickets that my dad had collected waiting for me, I groaned and said, "Monopoly? Already?!" I know it goes all the way until May, and we're not even halfway through February. Ugh! Get All the Free Things However, I am looking forward to all of the free stuff. We collected free bags, magnets, and photo books from Shutterfly. We saw a free movie through Fandango. We were able to redeem a good number of free grocery items from Safeway. And this is the reason to…
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End of the Week/Month/Quarter/Year

95/365 It happens once a year, well, (probably even less since it was also the end of my budgeting week), when everything comes due on the same day. Weekly Budgeting Expiring Offers Expiring Fuel Rewards Swagbucks Chase Freedom Categories Timesheets Charitable Donations End of the Week At the end (or really beginning) of each week, I sit down and balance my accounts. This takes some doing since we have so many credit cards. I have to transfer income from our checking accounts into our Sallie Mae savings accounts. Since you can only make six withdrawals per month in any savings account, I had to open enough accounts to assign only five or six cards to each account. Every Monday, I make sure there is enough cash in each account for…
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