Amazon Prime Days

Amazon Prime Days

289/365 This week, Amazon is hosting their biggest sale of the summer with Prime Days. Here are all of the details you need to know to get the best deals. 48 Hours of Savings Prime Days start at 12:00 a.m. PT on Monday, July 15 and go through until midnight on Tuesday, July 16. This is an extra 12 hours…
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Earth Week: Suburban Garden

Earth Week: Suburban Garden

210/365 This spring, Bryan has resurrected his dream of building a garden in our backyard. He's been hard at work clearing space, mapping out garden beds, and setting up our composting systems so that we are ready for planting in midsummer. Valley of the Sun Where we live is not called the Valley of the Sun for nothing. We have…
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Earth Week: Worm Farm

Earth Week: Worm Farm

208/365 The kids were off yesterday, so we decided to take the time to visit the Arizona Worm Farm as a family. My husband has been busy this spring preparing our backyard for a suburban garden, and a worm bin can be an essential component of a healthy garden, especially here in the Valley of the Sun with our hard,…
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