You can join the newest Team Challenge on Swagbucks today. The challenge begins tomorrow, but if you join now, any activities you do as soon as the clock strikes 12 will count toward your minimum of 600 points in order to earn your team’s winnings of either a 100 or 25 SB Swag Up.
Play the Team Challenge
I don’t think the Team Challenge is quite as lucrative as Swago, but it can help motivate you to earn some extra SB. I will usually keep a window in my browser open to the team page and refresh throughout the week to see how close I am to 600 points. When I reach the threshold, I close the window and don’t think about it again. I was actually on the winning team for the January Team Challenge!

Sign Up with Swagbucks
If you haven’t joined Swagbucks yet, please use my referral link to sign up! Once you’ve signed up, you can find the Team Challenge page here or on the menu along the left-hand side of the Swagbucks homepage under Contests.

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